Here is your big
final prediction for 2009

Everything I've said so far adds up to this one final prediction....

Because of the law of change, your Fate does NOT determine your Destiny. YOU control what happens by December 31, 2009.

You control how much money you make.

You control whether or not you find freedom at last.

You control whether or not you continue in overwhelm or break through to clarity.

That word.

Clarity. It's haunting, isn't it?

Certainty does NOT exist. But how about Clarity? Now THAT is a different thing. Do you feel more CLEAR just after reading what you have so far?

Whether you do or whether you don't, BOTH demonstrate that clarity or the lack of it is an empirical quantity.

In other words, clarity exists.


Here is my prediction...

Your final profit in your pocket for 2009 will be determined by the following...

1. By the degree to which you obtain CLARITY and therefore FOCUS your actions, instead of blundering around in overwhelm, buying the latest greatest to get your social proof fix (again), or jumping from idea to idea in the vain attempt to gain CERTAINTY.

2. By the degree to which you become willing to act in spite of NOT feeling certain, since due to the law of change you will NEVER feel certain. You cannot feel certain when everything is in a state of change and flux. Certainty only exists in an unchanging environment. We live in a state of change.

3. By the degree to which you EMBRACE change and uncertainty because you have CLARITY to realize that change CREATES the opportunity for profit. And without change there is no opportunity nor profit.

4. By the degree to which you get CLARITY on how change crescendos into a Tipping Point. And that just as water has a boiling point, so do ideas, markets and products.

5. By the degree to which you seek out Tipping Out ideas and products and pursue them with CLARITY.

6. By the degree to which you take ACTION on your clarity in spite of your uncertainty.

7. By amount of clear, focused actions you take to PROMOTE Tipping Point products and ideas, knowing that only 1 idea out of 10 tips and another 3 or 4 will be moderatately successful to successful.

AND IF YOU'RE SAYING, "I GOT NO IDEA WHAT THE HECK YOU JUST SAID", then read the plain english conclusion of YOUR December 2009 on the following page.

Click Here To Read The Plain English
Prediction For Your December 31, 2009
and To See How YOU Can Have Big
Profits In Your Pockets By Then






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