Here's Your December 2009
In Plain English

So here you go...

The way you get out of overwhelm is through being clear, not certain.

You'll never feel certain because everything changes all the time.

The good news is that change creates the opportunity for profits.

And because things keep changing, Tipping Points keep happening.

The profits lie IN the change and in FINDING the Tipping Point products and ideas.

Your December 31, 2009 will be determined by how much personal action you take to promote heavily Tipping Point ideas, products and services, whether they are your OWN or whether they are AFFILIATE products.

See, the law of change happens regardless of whether it is YOUR product idea or someone elses.

Now, here is your plan of action to make your DESTINY happen in 2009. To make it YOUR year of profits:

1. Discover what Tipping Point products are and how to recognize them

2. Learn how to turn change into profits in your pockets

3. Plan out what to do once you get a Tipping Point idea

4. Get CLARITY of what makes you make money

5. Abandon the search for certainty. Embrace change, opportunity and profits. There are no guarantees of profit or anything else other than that things will change for you, for your customers and for your market.

6. Stop being a social proof junkie and realize thousands of people promote products to get commission and snag huge, massive prizes.

7. Become educated about marketing and realize the magic button IS in finding the true secrets of direct response marketing, not in magical wand that you wave without effort.

Now, I ask that if I've accurately predicted your December 31, 2009, and I believe I have due to the Law of Change, then I ask you fulfill your commitment by telling two others about this report.

Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders


How To Find And Promote
Tipping Point Products



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