Perfect for coaches, speakers, authors, ebook sellers and online publishers

"How to Make Big Profits
In Dec-Jan of 2016 Just By
Launching Your Own Print Planner
People Will Love & Re-Order
Every Year, Giving You Auto-Pilot,
Recurring Income"

Want a big chunk of money by January 1, 2016,
and every year thereafter?


Marlon here.

2016 is almost here.

And I want to give you a big ol' chunk of money on a silver platter.

Why? Because I'm going to give you my turnkey Planner with the rights to change, modify, upload and sell it. And give you my sales letter, webinar, bonuses and banners to get those $97 to $197 a pop cash orders.

Here's why this is hot...

Every year people spend millions of dollars buying planners of every type, size and shape.

The GOOD NEWS is there are FEW, if any, planners CUSTOMIZED to niches.  Now, I want to give you the know how to get a big ol' hunk of cash with your own planner by selling it immediately.

Of course, I'll show you how to create, sell and deliver your own custom Planner, or customize mine. But let's say you just want the fast, easy way.

Here's all you do to profit:

1. Download my sales letter in .doc or .html format
Change the order link (at minimum). This is what the sales letter looks like.

2. Upload the bonus files to your member's area, or just link to my download area

3. Send out the emails I give you (or zip them over to JV partners or affiliates) -- or run Facebook retargeting or newsfeed ads.

4. Deliver the orders via the site I give you that automatically prints and ships the Planners for you on demand without stress or hassle.

Your Planner will sell for $97, $127 to $197, whatever you want to price it at. I sell mine for $97 to $127 to existing owners on re-orders and $147 to new buyers. Your cost of delivery is $20 to $25 for most cities, including UPS shipping to most. There are some cities where it will cost more or less.

Anyway, you profit around $100 or more per Planner sold.

And the best part is, the next year, you just change the dates and sell again!

Every year you can have a burst of income from your Planner at the beginning of the year.

Oh, you can change, modify and deliver the bonuses yourself, or just sends them to a special opt-in bonus page I've created and I'll deliver the bonuses off my site. I give you everything you need.

Here's Why Having Your Own Planner
Rocks The House

1.  You will likely have the ONLY planner customized for your niche
Because you will very likely have the ONLY planner customized for whatever niche you choose, you have an appealing, in demand and UNIQUE offer to make to affiliates who will potentially promote your Planner for a split of the profits.

2.  I give you the template for MY Planner that you can adapt, change, copy, model,  or emulate for your own

We had to go through a learning curve to figure all this stuff out. But using MY template and then just changing it however you see fit, things are FAR, far easier, simpler and faster for you.

You literally copy, paste and USE my Planner as the base for your own.  Or…

3.  You can even copy MY planner and fulfill it yourself, if you so desire
What Are The Benefits Of Selling Planners?

1.  You get CONTINUITY or recurring income as people re-order Planners year after year, if they like what you got.

You can’t beat continuity income like this!

2.  You can easily come up with cool Planner ideas that are customized for YOUR niche or audience

There are a lot of great ideas out there. All you gotta do is snatch ‘em with your creative thinking power.  Of course, I’ll give your brain a JOLT and help it get into action.

3.  You don’t have to be an “expert” to sell a Planner

All you gotta have is something people WANT and find useful.

4.  With Planners, there is a segment of people who WANT a PRINTED Planner vs. a digital one and are willing to pay for it.

A Planner isn’t for everyone. But there IS a big niche for this as evidenced by the millions of dollars of planners sold.  For example, I read that the 10X Planner is one of Grant Cardone’s very popular items. 

And it’s SIMPLE!  But that is what makes it useful to his particular audience.

5.  You can leverage a COACHING program off your Planner if you want to
The great thing about a Planner is you can build it around your concept for a coaching program.

You can even give the Planner FREE for joining the coaching program if you so desire. The sky is the limit.

6.  With new PRINT ON DEMAND technology, you do NOT have to print up a batch of Planners like the old days

I’ll reveal the vendor I use that makes it fast, simple, easy and very affordable.  You submit the order to them and they print it up and send it.  If you only have 10, 20, 30, or 40 orders (or even 2) it doesn’t matter.

They’ll print it and ship it – regardless of the quantity.

Your Planners will cost you $7.50 to $12.00, depending on how many pages they are. 

7.  You can have the cover printed in FULL COLOR which makes it look COOL!

I love this.  In the old days you’d pay an arm and a leg for a nice, full-color cover.  Not anymore!

8.  You could even do Planners for multiples niches or industries if you want to
That’s what is so awesome. Almost NO ONE is doing this!  So you have the whole field to you, your imagination and your ability to hustle a little and get it out for the new year, with my assistance.

Here’s what I’ve Got For You
To Make Creating, Selling & Delivering Your Own Planner Fast, Simple and Easy As Pie

If you’re like me, you hate learning curves. They’re painful to say the least.

But what if I could give you a gigantic head start, take away the painful learning curve and make it as easy as pie to get your Planner in production and selling?

If you want the fast, easy route, you can just take my sales letter, change the order link, modify a thing or two and start selling it immediately.

Or, you can take the custom route and have something tailored to your niche, target market, industry or audience.

The choice is up to you. I make it easy as possible for you either way.

Let me explain how:

1.  I’ll GIVE YOU my Microsoft Publisher 2010 file I use for my Planner

It’s ALREADY formatted for the print-on-demand service.  All you do is copy and paste one or more pages that YOU want to use for your Planner. Then you delete and add as you desire, leaving the page dimensions as they are.  About the only thing you can’t change is the shape and the margins.

I used Microsoft Publisher 2010. I doubt an earlier version can read the file. I imagine a later version can but I don't know for sure.

2.  You can sell my Planner as is, add your own unique intro to it, delete stuff, add stuff or basically delete the content, use my template and dial up your own custom Planner.

There is no right or wrong way to do it.

3. You’ll get a video where I walk through everything you need to know to create, sell and deliver a Planner.

The good news this is pretty simple once I’ve figured it all out for you (which I have) and boiled it down.

One of things I do is stimulate your thinking by telling you about a few industry specific Planners I’ve bought and profited from.

4. You’ll get the Microsoft Word doc of the sales letter I used to sell it.

You can change, modify or adjust as you want. Use it as the starting point for creating your own. Or do minimal modifications. It's really up to you.

If you were to hire me to write this sales letter, it would cost $10,000. If you were to hire another copywriter, the cost would likely be in the $5,000 to $10,000 range.

This is a big value for you. It's a 39-page masterpiece letter you can change, modify or shorten as you desire. Or, this year I'm using a new, shorter sales letter and....

5. You’ll get the html version of the new 2016 sales letter

I delivered my sales letter both as a PDF and as an html page. You can use one, the other or both. Or just create your own. I edited this in Dreamweaver, but I'm sure you can use another html editor. This does NOT include the video at the top due to all the pictures that I enclosed. I'll deliver it to you with a static image there. You can replacse that with your own video if you so desire.

You ALSO get the copy of the prior sales letter.

6. You’ll get the Power Point slides with banners I made to promote the Planner

You can use these as time savers in creating your own.

7. You’ll get two In Design Files for the follow-up newsletters I created that give further info on how to use the Planner

You can use these as is or use them as a guide in creating your own. You don't need to offer a newsletter unless you want to. I did so I give you the source files.

Any images I used will need to be purchased to use them. I usually get my images from istockphoto or bigstockphoto.

8. You’ll get the Photoshop file I used to design the magazine cover graphic.

This uses a Photoshop action (Cover Action Pro) which would need to be purchased separately if you don't already own it. Or you could hire someone on Fiverr to do this for you for $5.

9. You’ll get the 103 slide quickstart training I created in Power Point. Use it as is, swipe from it, change it up. You also get the Camtasia recording and .mp4 to use or modify.

It's all up to you. Do with as you wish. You get the slides and the CAMTASIA recording that you can change and edit if you so desire.

10. You’ll Get the 90-Slide Power Point Webinar Used to Sell the Planner -- To Use or Modify

Use whatever slides you want. Add, subtract, delete, change, modify or simply use it as a general guide. The only thing not included are 1 or 2 stock images you'll need to swap out.

11. You get a video, Camtasia files, Power Points and transcript of the quick start training

If you felt ambitious, you could record in your own voice or just use as is.

12. You get a .mp4 video, Camtasia files, and Power Point of two trainings on the Planner you can give away as bonuses

These are both given as bonuses in the canned sales letter I give you. You're welcome to use, modify, not use or re-record them.

13. You get the spreadsheet I use to track orders

We track orders in a spreadsheet. It's a simple way to keep track of orders. My outsourcer just plugs them in here and into our fulfillment service.

14. I'll deliver my bonuses for you -- you don't even have to mess with them unless you want to

To make life simple and easy for you, all you need to do is give your buyers a link where they opt in and they'll get access to the bonuses I've listed in the sales letter.

Of course, you only do this if you WANT to. I also give you the raw materials for the bonuses so you can change, adapt, modify and deliver yourself if you want to.

A Few Quick, Simple & Easy Rules

1. You do NOT have "the rights to sell the rights" -- No. Nada.

2. You do NOT have the rights to sell my Planner as a digital product.

If you create your own unique and distinct Planner, you're welcome to do as you wish. However, you will seriously erode your ability to get paid for your Planner year after year if you make it digital BECAUSE digital properties don't retain value like print ones.

3. You do NOT have the right to use my name in emails.

The reason is, I don't want someone spamming the crap out of the Internet with my name attached to a product I can't control.

[YES] Can sell personal rights
[No] Can sell basic resell rights
[No] Can sell Master reseller rights
[No] Can sell private label rights
[No] Can be given away free
[No] Can be sold in auction sites
[No] Can be sold in digital only format
[No] Can use the name of Marlon Sanders, trademarks or Higher Response Marketing Inc. in selling and promoting.
[No] Ongoing training, assistance or advice in selling the Planner
[No] I do not offer refunds on the purchase of this package
[No] I do not refund YOUR buyers! You're responsible for delivering the Planners you sell giving the resource I give you and you're responsible for refunds.

[Yes] Can modify/change sales page any way you want
[Yes] Can sell and ship print book
[Yes] Can create your own Planner using this as a guide, put your name on it and call it what you want
[Yes] Can edit, change or modify the videos and Power Point slides

If you fail to abide by these rules, your rights are forfeited and you're subject to legal action.


Even If You Only Sold 10-25 Planners a year, That's Money That Comes In Every Year With Almost No Additional Work

This is your one chance to get a very unique
product with almost zero competition you can
offer to your customers

Respond today and get the recording

Click Here To Order If This Is Your Planner
Creation and Resell Rights Kit

The rights you receive are spelled out
in terms above.

Best Wishes,

Marlon Sanders
The King of Step-By-Step Internet Marketing
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