You Point. You Click.
You Follow The Steps. You Make Sales.

Hear what our customers have to say about the Marketing Dashboard!

Click to Listen

I just wanted to give you a quick follow up to the review of the Marketing Dashboard...

It's exceptional!

What it's doing is it's actually crystallizing the entire process that a marketer goes through, whether they are an e-marketing or an experienced marketer.

The process that one has to go through to take a product from it's conception all the way to cashing in on it.

It's laid out in very simple intricate steps with the Marketing Dashboard.

After looking at it, really, the only way somebody cannot succeed by using the Dashboard is to just NOT be using the steps you've laid out.


Pure genius!

Stephen Pierce
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Click to Listen

To any perspective, entrepreneurs out there, I want to tell you, Marlon knows direct response and marketing on the web inside out.

He can put you on the road to success, shorten your learning curve and he puts online profits easily within your grasp.

He just lays it all out for you step by step with clear, no fluff examples and instructions.

His marketing dashboard for example is a great example of how he empowers you to succeed whether it's with online or offline marketing.

The dashboard, it gives you the big picture, the whole overview plus it gives you the step by step procedures and it puts all those powerful tools right there at the tips of your fingertips.

So if you're even remotely serious about marketing online you owe it to yourself to listen to his advice, follow the step by step methods, use his tips, his tools and get on the road to success....

I'm confident you'll be as glad you did it as I am. Thanks again!

Kris Copeland
Miami, FL

Click to Listen

I really am blown away by the creativity of this whole idea!

It's fabulous to see it all laid out. I'm a visual thinker and it gives me a great overview of the entire process.

It makes it feel "doable". It makes me feel confident that I can go through the checklist and hit all the points that I need to. It makes it feel solid and complete and real. It looks great and feels great and I really think this is going to help me make it happen.

Thanks very much!

Russ Weinzimmer
Milford, NH

Click to Listen

...I think it's awesome.

It looks like it will help us a lot in building our web page and it did answer a lot of questions....

Thank you for your hard work. Again, I think it's a great program as with all your other programs.

Thank you for help and your constant updates and for your knowledge and sharing your knowledge.

This is the best program I've seen to help someone who's a novice in building a website.

Thank you very, very much!

Richard Leusch,
Apple Valley, CA

Click to Listen

It's an incredible piece of software and I'm blown away at what he's come up with.

He's got everything from A to Z for people and business who want to market their products or services and get started from start to finish.

I encourage you to give it a try because I think that you'll get a lot out of it. He's got everything in there from surveys, sales plans, tracking and how to do autoresponders, each in a step by step process which breaks everything down and is digestible and not overwhelming for people who are looking where to start but don't know how.

It's a perfect product for anyone who wants to get their product or service out... in a 1-2-3 fashion.

It's visual, you can see it on the net, it's at your fingertips. You don't have to wade through tons of paperwork. I encourage you to get it and try it out.

I'm blown away at what's here and I'm going to be using it as soon as I'm done recording this!

Audrey Ranieri.
Jericho, VT

Click to Listen

Marlon, you've done it again!

You've created a system where a beginner or even an experienced marketer knows exactly what they should be doing with their marketing efforts.

Anybody who's ever had a question "now what do I do?" needs THIS product.


Rick Hanson
London, Ontario

Click to Listen

I just had a chance to look at the New Marketing Dashboard and I'd like to say that it's nothing short of superb!

I particularly like the very easy to follow sequential steps to launching an online business, so I'd like to say a very big thanks to Marlon and look forward to continuing with the program.

Joanne Thomson
Essex, United Kingdom

Click to Listen

I think your new Marketing Dashboard is amazing!

It's just mind boggling.

To be able to have everything here so I can go through step by step instead of spending all the time looking for this resource and that resource and where did I put that manual and how do I find this information.

I can't believe that I'm sitting here right now looking at my screen and it's all right here in front of me.

I'm not the most organized person in the world and that's been one of the biggest hindrances to my success, is half the time I can't find the resource I'm looking for.

All I have to do is click the link and there's everything I need to know, step by step.

Plus, there's all these steps in here, your break even, split testing, web stats tracking, things I hadn't even thought of that I needed to do to make my business successful. There are several items that you've included here that I didn't even think I needed to know to set up my business.

It's mind boggling to have it laid out for me step by step and I can go through it day by day and get the information I need.

The other thing I really love is to set up the reminders where you get the email reminder.

Things get in the way and I tend to get backtracked on deadlines but now I have this tool to help keep me on track.

The quality of the information that you have (of course I own several of your products) and I know what high quality information you provide, but it's just so clear and easy to understand and it's laid out in a way that it gets to the core of what needs to happen for each step.

I can't say enough good things about it. It's truly an amazing product.

I wish I'd had this 18 months ago when I started thinking about doing an online business.

If I had, I'd probably be on vacation and calling you.

This is going to propel me into getting my business to the point where I want it to be.

I just wanted to tell you I feel good about this. It's a great product and I really look forward to going through it and using it.

Thank you very much Marlon.

Lisa Suttora
Seattle, WA

Click to Listen

Man, that thing blew me away!

It's a great product. In fact, I think it's probably the best one you've ever done. I got pretty involved with the thing. I stayed on the site quite awhile, long enough to go through every single section. What I was doing was trying to find something in the marketing process that you'd left out but I don't think anything's missing. I think you've covered it all.

Before I called I was trying to decide what impressed me most about the product and I guess in addition to all the key information I am most impressed by how simple it is.

Anybody starting out can understand how to use every section of the product because each one is extremely easy to follow.

You've taken all the guess work out of it. Your instructions are the same basic 1 2 3 that have always worked. First you do this, second you do this, third you do this. That makes it a slam dunk.

There's only one thing that I don't like about the Marketing Dashboard, and that is, I didn't come up with the idea first.

This is a winner Marlon.

It'll make a big difference in sales for all the people using it!

Lew Williams,
Winsboro TX

Click to Listen

This is an amazing piece of work!

The thing I like best is that it's a simple, total package.

So many times online marketers that are new to the game have to struggle to piece together a plan and the resources to get the job done and there's always the chance they can miss something critical, but you've got them covered.

Even the layout of the website is so fun.

I don't see how anyone can get lost in the process of creating an online business.

I think if people had any idea the wealth of your years of experience that you've spilled into this product and the time, money and frustration you've saved them, they'd gladly pay 5 or 10 times the price.

From one marketer to another, I take my hat off to you.

This is an excellent product that REALLY delivers!

Anita Williams,
Winsboro TX

Click to Listen

I have never seen such a practical, comprehensive, yet easy to use marketing tool as Marlon Sanders' Marketing Dashboard.

It is like a roadmap for your business journey, that not only gets and keeps you focused and organized but takes you step by step from where you are to where you want to be.

If you are starting a business or are working on taking your business to the next level, you MUST get this tool.
It'll not only save you time and energy, but lots of money as well

Dr. Boyce Berkel
Florida, USA

Limited Time Bonus Offer: The first 25 people to grab a copy of the Marketing Dashboard BEFORE Thursday January 19th at 5:00 PM PST will get a 1 month of access to my "Milcers Private Membership Site"

To get the 1 month Milcer Private Site Membership bonus ($42 value) all you've got to do is be one of the first 25 people to grab a copy of the Marketing Dashboard before 5:00 PM PST, Thursday January 19th, 2006.

You get INSTANT access to the Marketing Dashboard so scroll down, click the button to access the secure no risk acceptance form and grab your copy today. Once 25 copies are sold, this page will be removed.

The promise:
Point-and-click marketing system turns selling your products and services into a virtual no-brainer.

The uniqueness: 4 key differences separate my Marketing Dashboard from 203,000 ebooks and everything else.

The bonus: You will receive a copy of my new "Audio Feedback Form Exit Pop Info Kit" and a chance to grab an additional bonus worth $3000.

The guarantee:  I guarantee you will get "wins" and results or your money back.  Plus, a bold, new QUADRUPLE-your-money-back guarantee.

The credibility: Based on my formula that has launched 20 products since 1997.

Affiliate program: Pays out 70% on all sales, up to 80%.

Click here for a complete picture of the dashboard


Dear Friend,

You start with the first icon.

You click on it.

You follow the simple, easy steps.

Then you go to icon two.

Next thing you know, your products and services are selling up a storm.  Dare I say like crazy?

It's called point-and-click marketing.  And it's destined to become the latest rage to hit Internet marketing.  Why?  Because you don't have to wade through dozens, hundreds or thousands of pages of information.  Instead, you just click the icons and follow the simple, easy steps.

If you're tired of reading reams of information that is difficult or impossible to apply, or you simply don't have a lot of time to read, then here's what my new Marketing Dashboard will do for you:

1.  Walks you step-by-step through setting up your system without requiring you to wade through reams of information that take time to read, decipher, analyze and apply. 

2.  Simplifies your marketing All you do is click and follow the instructions.  You don't have to try to figure out what's next.  You just click the next icon and follow the steps.

3.  Takes away the confusion.  Every step is clearly laid out and labeled with big, blue numbers.  You don't have to try to interpret how XYZ method applies to your individual situation.

4.  Gives you an A to Z system.  Everything is covered from your marketing vision, to your profit plan, to your break even point, to your merchant account, shopping cart, domain name selection, stats tracking, ftp, backing up your files, speed researching, organizing your tasks and information  -- and much more. You won't find anything else like it anywhere. Just about no stone is left unturned.

5. Something for you if you're a beginner or advanced student.  My Marketing Dashboard is designed for beginners.  But I've included a few steps for advanced students like my icon on getting free publicity by starting your own RSS News Feed.

6.  Gives you confidence.  The entire Dashboard is based on my experience in online marketing since before the World Wide Web existed.  You can check out the Alexa ratings on my web sites as proof I know what I'm doing.  Chances are, you've seen or read about my Push Button Letters software or The Amazing Formula.

7.  Visually demonstrates what to do with screen captures A picture is often worth a thousand words. So I include plenty of screen captures to demonstrate the different steps, without overwhelming you with needless details or endless screen shots.  I've struck a balance to make this simple, practical and useable.

8.  Gives you free trials of innovative, new software programs that speed and simplify your marketing.  I believe time is the most important commodity you have. So I save you time by turning you onto a few, choice, potent tools. (With gold option)

Click to Listen
to Alex Mandossian

I've always looked up to Marlon Sanders for all the pioneering work he's done and plowed all the grounds for us in the internet marketing community.

You know, he's the father of the 2 page website. He's also the father of sending HTML email that just leap out at you, having all these with these wacky types of pictures of elephants and dogs and things like that.

It's just so entertaining and at the same time it gets my attention so that I take the next step and order.

Finally, he's one of the best affiliate support companies and internet marketers I've ever seen. He gives you everything. He spoon feeds you. He chews the food for you. He digests it and all you gotta do is push some buttons.

With this new concept, he's done it again.

This marketing dashboard and notes concept he has is unbelievable.We think in pictures and he's taken icons that are very easy to look at and use and have us go down step by step in weekly steps

Six critical steps. Take a look at this. Seriously consider it. Run, don't walk. Take your mouse and click and order this right away.

You're crazy if you don't get this program right away!

Alex Mandossian
San Francisco, CA

Click to Listen
to Jonathan Mizel

I just wanted to let you know that I am blown away by the "Marketing Dashboard." This thing rocks!

I've known you now for over 10 years and what I see is a compilation of all the knowledge and all the information and all the products and really, all your experience wrapped up into one amazing marketing system.

I mean, you've covered everything here, setting up your business, targeting your market, processing sales.

You walk people through the sales process, you walk them through the website process, you walk them through the promotion process.

You've just done a phenomenal job and want to thank you very much.

I think this product is going to be very well received and anybody who picks it up is going to be lucky.

Thanks very much man!

Jonathan Mizel
Maui, Hawaii

Click to Listen
to Joe Schroeder

I've done hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars of sales per month in Network Marketing sales. I'm a pro. I've been in this business for over 10 years. I've never seen anybody as proficient and profound and just utterly amazing as the great Marlon Sanders.

I've been around the corner. Been around the block. Been there, bought the T-shirt and I'm here to tell you Marlon Sanders is the real deal.

He is the real deal of Amazing Formulas and amazing marketing. He's a personal friend. I've known him for over 4 years. He's trustworthy, honest. He's a genius.

I interviewed him on one of our live conference calls in front of a few hundred people a few years ago and he went into a stream of conciousness for about 7 minutes and he was just rattling off formulas, ideas and more ideas and it just gave people the cold chills.

Now is your opportunity to enjoy the passion, the love, the genius of Marlon Sanders. Do it. You won't be sorry.

This has been Joe Schroeder. I highly endorse this man.

Marlon Sanders... you're a genius.

Joe Schroeder
New Jersey, USA

Click to Listen
to Ken Hammond

When I saw your new Marketing Dashboard a lightbulb went off in my head!

You really outdid yourself here. I'm just amazed at how simple it is to use.

By nature I'm a scattered unorganized person with my business and you've really laid it out step by step for me, as simple as point and click. Everything's organized. Here's what to do next. Bam. Bam. Bam. This is really amazing. I'm really excited!

I know this is going to make me a lot of money and I do appreciate it! Thanks again Marlon!

Ken Hammond
Richmond, VA

Click to Listen
to Larry Foster

I just received your new Marketing Dashboard and after I looked at it I was floored at it's comprehensiveness.

Everything is there from A to Z in how to start, set up and maintain a business. All the tools are there including how to do the business end of the business.

I paid $500 many times and received a whole lot less than this.

Every new person that aspires to start an internet business has to have this tool. Experienced marketers can also use this to fine tune their businesses.

Marlon, you've hit a home run!

Larry Foster,
Cowensville, PA

Click to Listen
to Bob Silber

I have to tell you, Marlon Sanders Marketing Dashboard is simply brilliant.

He step by steps you through every conceivable stage of marketing your products and services on the internet using a graphical interface and easy to follow instructions.

It's like having Marlon in the room with you, looking over your shoulder and guiding you through each and every step. It's an easy to use foolproof system that takes you by the hand ensuring you don't miss any critical step.

Nothing, and I mean nothing is left to chance. I urge you not to miss trying out the system and putting it through it's paces.

The only thing he doesn't do is drive you through the bank to collect the profits from your sales.

Bob Silber

Click to Listen
to David Frey

Marlon, I've gotta tell you... you've outdone yourself on the Marketing Dashboard.

Not only is it visually stunning but the 'point and click marketing' steps are ingenious

Here are 3 reasons why I love this product:

First of all, you've made it extremely easy to use. It really is a step by step system that takes you all the way from bringing your business online to making it a profitable sucess so you haven't left anything out.

The second reason is that the information is extremely unique and viable. Even a seasoned net marketer like myself can learn a lot from this dashboard.

For instance, I brought up the dashboard and clicked on free publicity I learned about a brand new way of using newsletter syndication to get my content circulated to hundreds and thousands of readers on the net.

I never knew anything about this technology. This one piece of information has paid for the program ten times over.

Lastly, it's just very convenient. All I do is open the dash board, point and click on the information and there it is.

I highly recommend this product to anybody starting an online business
and wants a step by step system for doing it.

Thanks Marlon

David Frey

Click to Listen
to Tatiana Korol

Marlon, I want to thank you for creating this amazing simple software.

Your dashboard tool takes away any guesswork from organizing business as well as new product rollouts.

It has some very valuable ingredients from my point of view.

First it has a business plan for the next 6 weeks so you can search right away without wasting even one minute of your time. Second, it has a list of all the sources that will help you to implement this plan.

Most important, it prevents you from making very costly mistakes and takes away frustration from not knowing what to do next.

I have to tell you this and I hope at least 1 person listens to me... If I had this tool a couple of years ago when I just started I would not have made a $50,000 mistake I've made.

Tatiana Korol
Vernon Hills, IL

Click to Listen
to Dick Stucki

The dashboard system takes you all the way from the beginning point, through setting up your own website, the merchant account and developing a way to get the product out.

This is a resource that anyone wanting to start a business and sell things on the Internet ought to have.

Dick Stucki
Salt Lake City, UT

Click to Listen
to Brian Rodgers

I just wanted to give you kudos on your Marketing Dashboard.

You've done it again with another unbelievable product.

I've been looking at it for the last two hours and think it's one of the most inventive tools that I've seen come along in a long time. It gives you everything from setting up your business to maintaining your business on a monthly basis.

One of the problems that I've had is trying to get all the tools in 1 place and I must say, you've masterfully done that in this product.

Great job Marlon.

I look forward to exploring the Marketing Dashboard further!

Brian Rodgers,
Hutchinson, KS

Point-And-Click Marketing Is The Newest, Simplest, Easiest
Way To Make Your Products And Services Sell Like Crazy.

What's different about my new Marketing Dashboard is you don't have to read a lot of stuff.  You're busy.  You're probably dealing with information overload.  And confusion from all the different methods taught by more gurus than you shake a stick at.

My goal from day one when I launched The Amazing Formula That Sells Products Like Crazy was to make your products and services sell like crazy.  And it still is.

The Amazing Formula was the very first 100% digitally delivered  ebook sold on Internet marketing to my knowledge.  I've sold thousands of copies of it.  Since then, 203,000 ebooks have been published and promoted on the subject, more or less.  (I typed "ebook Internet marketing" in Google.)  Not only that, I've created and rolled out 20 products and survived in this business since launching The Amazing Formula.   I'm not a "one-hit-wonder."  I have not dried up and blown away like others.  Nor did I spring up yesterday without credentials and proclaim myself an expert.  I wrote sales letters full time for a living prior to Internet marketing -- and was highly compensated for doing so.

Anyway, the problem is information overload.  There are so many ebooks with so much information, I believe you could spend the rest of your LIFE reading all the books and trying to come up with a practical plan of action!

Forget all that.  Can you point?  Can you click?  Can you follow simple step 1, 2, 3 instructions?

Your goal is to make money and sell your products and services.  Not become a marketing professor.  Right?  OK then. Let's get your show on the road.

My New Marketing Dashboard Turns Internet Marketing
Into A Virtual "No-Brainer"

Each icon on my new Marketing Dashboard links to a set of steps. Following the steps is practically a no-brainer.  For example, when you click on "Information Management, you get several steps to help you manage your information overload and get stuff done faster, simpler, easier. 

Each step is clearly labeled with large blue numbers.  And many steps are illustrated with screen captures and step by step video. Plus, with each main step I've provided an audio walkthrough that you can listen to right then and there.

Four Key Differences Separate the Marlon Sanders' Marketing Dashboard
From The 203,000 Ebooks On Internet Marketing

There are 4 very important differences in the Marketing Dashboard:

Key Difference 1:  You point, click and follow the steps labeled by the big blue numbers

No need to read volumes of information here.  Follow the big blue numbers and look at the pictures.  All important points are illustrated with screen captures.

Key Difference 2:  You get an A to Z System that covers EVERYTHING

I give you simple steps for managing your information overload to setting up reminders for your different steps to a spreadsheet I created that lets you literally fill-in-the-blanks and create your marketing plan.  You'll get places and resources to find PRODUCTS TO SELL if you don't have them.  You'll get my simple survey system to find out what people want to buy.

Key Difference 3:  You get free software program trials.

You get 30 day trials of 6 different software programs that I have assembled for you. They make your Internet marketing incredibly easy and fast compared to the "old days" when I started selling The Amazing Formula.  You get free trials of my survey software, reminder program, fill-in-the-blanks marketing planner, Push Button Stats, Push Button Format and the Web Page Ranking Tools.

Key Difference 4:  The MAIN thing is, if you follow the steps, you WILL get wins and results -- guaranteed.

Here's the deal:  I'm all about WINS and RESULTS.  When you get a "win" it means you get something done or accomplished that you were struggling with or were stopped by before.  The whole goal of the Marketing Dashboard is to get you taking bite-sized steps that get you WINS.

And these wins will fuel your motivation and drive to do more. Why?  Because you aren't just reading.  You're doing. You're getting stuff set up. Stuff done.

And while I don't represent that the average buyer can or will make profits, because I have no control over who buys or what they do, I DO guarantee your money back if you don't make money.  Fair enough?

Here are just a few of the goodies I've loaded Into The
Marlon Sanders' Marketing Dashboard

The latest 8-step version of my autoresponder follow-up sequence that has become part of common practice.  I've added several new twists that make it even better and more powerful.  You'll set up a system to get referrals, smoke out customer service problems, conduct surveys, increase customer loyalty and bonding -- and more.

How to use a follow up certificate to bump up your follow-up sales.  For example, I take people from a purchase under $100 up to $850 with this.  I've never revealed this before.  It's very powerful. 

Set up your quick launch bar, so you don't waste time hunting down the programs you use all the time.  You get visual, step by step video instructions on how to set this up.  I have friends in Internet marketing who are very active and don't know about their quick launch toolbar.  If you use the computer a lot, that's a crime because it's such an enormous time saver.

Where to buy traffic -- co-regs, pops and ezine solo mailings.  You get a bevvy of terrifc resources.  No more struggling trying to figure out how the *()_# to get traffic to your web site. It's simple.  You BUY it.  And it's cheaper now than ever before.

How to calculate your daily, weekly and monthly sales and profit objectives to make the money you want. And how to put these goals on a screen saver so they'll be in front of your face every day -- all day.

How to set up email reminders that will automatically remind you of what you need to be doing, using the free software trial you get with your copy of the Dashboard.

How to set up your own stick letter to increase satisfaction, reduce returns and refunds and increase your unit of sale -- including a TEMPLATE you can use for your letters.

What PPC's are and how to use them.  The best little ppc software program I've found that I hardly hear anyone talk about (surprisingly enough.)

6 places to find a techie who can help you with computer problems that can make you pull your hair out if you don't get help.

Free 30-day trial of the online spreadsheet I created that allows you to create your marketing plan just by filling in the blanks. Use it for up to 4 projects at a time.

The slick program I use to clean out all the junk that slows your computer down. This is the stuff that builds up in your "cache," temp files and so forth.  I've saved 722.8 mb of space in the last 30 days alone!  If you don't use a program like this, you're computer is probably running slower than it should.

The amazing program for managing your tasks I found after a ton of searching. I used to use a "name brand" day planner software program.  But I switched to this one because of it's simple, elegant, yet robust design.  You'll be able to stay really organized and save time using this nifty program.

All about the program I use to eliminate 95% of spam automatically.  If you're wasting time deleting spam, or even losing good messages because your inbox is filled with junk, then you'll love this.

10 steps to finding your hungry target market of people who are practically anxious to buy your product or service.  This 10-step system is brand new and has not been in print before.  If you've been hunting and pecking for your target market, this will clarify things greatly for you.

Hosting -- Here's a free service that gives you a rating of a web hosts speed over time based on multiple samples.  This is much better than simply "pinging" the server one time on an isolated basis.  Man, I was shocked when I saw that one web host I was using for a few domains rated "very slow."  Yet, another server I had domains on rated "very fast."  Needless to say, I'm moving domains to the host that rates very fast.  I've not seen this little trick published in any ebook to date.

10 steps to finding hot, in demand products to sell, including my in-depth checklist given only to my elite Inner Circle members.  And where to find 6,180 manufacturers with products ready for you to buy wholesale and resell on ebay or anywhere else.

9 elements you should have on your web site.  Don't put up a site without these!

What software I recommend for virus prevention and why I recommend it.  If you don't use a program like this, your hard drive could be toast any time now

How I back up my computer just in case that nasty latest virus slips through your anti-virus software.  Yep, it does happen.  Oh, the other reason you've got to have a back-up system is it's not IF your hard drive will crash and burn. The only question is WHEN.  That's a fact. With the Marketing Dashboard you get a step by step video that shows you exactly how quick and simple it can be to back up your important files to 4 different types of media!

RESEARCH resources, topics and vendors in a flash with this FREE add-on to Internet Explorer.  It displays mini-pictures of web sites almost instantly.  You type in your search term and instead of getting a list of links, you get PICTURES OF THE WEB SITES!  This makes Internet research so much faster because you can see the site without even having to click.

Find out how to create your own virtual brain with the dandiest information tickler file I've found.  I can't live without it!  And you won't either after you get it set up. And it's ever so easy to use!  Wait until you see how you can actually insert links to your Excel spreadsheets, html pages, downloads, or any other data on your hard drive.  So right on one page you can group all kinds of stuff related to any project, product or promotion you're working on. Oh, and it's password protected, so you can store passwords in it too. 

I'll give you a link to the free trial download. It's for PC Users.  MAC users can't use this one. But nearly all the other software in the program, including my free trials ARE compatible with MAC's.

I'm hoping that BY NOW you realize my new Marketing Dashboard is worth every penny of the $59.95 one time low price, and more.  But perhaps you haven't heard of me and you wonder what right I have to produce the Marketing Dashboard.  I apologize for the self aggrandizement. But it is necessary to demonstrate the credibility I have for coming out with a product such as this.

The Marketing Dashboard Is Worth Much More!

Right now you can grab the Marketing Dashboard for $59.95, but I do plan to raise the price to $78.00 soon.  I can't possibly even tell you how much time, energy and research I've put into creating the Dashboard.  At my $1,000 per hour consulting rate, (yes, I DO get paid that), I've probably put $100,000 of my time into researching and creating the Dashboard. Just one idea, trick or secret could easily pay for it.

I Guarantee You WILL Get Wins And Results
or You Get 100% Of Your Money Back

A "WIN" is when you do something you couldn't do before.  Or you get a key chunk or step finally out of the way.  I absolutely, unequivocally guarantee you WILL get wins and results far in excess of the price, or I'll refund every penny of your money within the first 90 days. This is an unconditional, satisfaction guarantee.

Having said that, as with ALL my products, I do not represent you will experience profits as I have nor that the typical or ordinary buyer of this or any of my products makes substantial income.  I have no control over what people do or don't do with my products.  So while your income is NOT guaranteed in any way, your money back IS guaranteed if you are not satisfied.

I really am in this business to help you succeed and sell your products like never before.  So if you don't win, I don't win. If you don't' get results, I lose.  If you aren't happy, I'll refund your money. Plain and simple.

Plus, In Addition, You Get My Outrageous New

Click to Hear This Incredible Guarantee

Click Here If You Can't Use PayPal

I rocked the Internet world when I offered a triple-your-money-back guarantee on The Amazing Formula.  Now, it's even crazier.  I'm offering a QUADRUPLE your money back guarantee.  Take the Dashboard.  Follow the icons.  If it doesn't work for you, then I'll give you quadruple-your-money back anytime in the 3 months following your order.  That's how confident I am you will love the Dashboard. Read the details here.

Just Two Sales And Your Copy Is Free

The associate program pays out 70% commission, up to 80%.  While you don't make a commission on your own purchase, you make 70% (up to 80%) on all sales after your own purchase. Therefore, only two sales means your copy is free.  The associate program signup is at if you aren't an existing associate.

Order Before Midnight Tonight And You'll Also Receive ...

$3000 Bonus:

Recently I did a 3 hour tele-conference call specifically for my Marketing Dashboard members. It is perhaps the most revolutionary call I've ever done.

The best part about this call is I show you how to take a product for which there is mediocre demand and right before your eyes, live on the call, I show you how to transform it into a product that virtually everyone wants to buy.

Then, I also show you how to find the highest price for which you can sell it.

All I've got to say is, this is a revolutionary technique you've never seen or heard about before and I demonstrate it live.

What's more, I even show you how to put together a product almost overnight that you can make money with.

Here are just a couple other topics covered during the call:

* How to find hidden "hot buttons" to get people to buy your product.
* How to find out exactly what product you should be selling.
* How to get people to tell you the right price point for your product.

(For example, one lady on the call has a product she's selling for $50 and we discovered the minimum price she should be selling it for is $200 with an upsell to $1000. That's a massive difference in profits.)

As you know I charge $1000 an hour for consulting. This was a 3 hour call, so arguably, that's $3000 of my time and a $3000 value to you.

Now here's the catch: This bonus call is only available to you if you promise to tell 5 of your friends about the Marketing Dashboard. I actually call this my "advertising bonus". I need your help in advertising the product.

In exchange for your commitment (assuming you're satisfied with the product) to tell 5 of your friends about the Dashboard, I'm willing to give you this very valuable $3000 bonus that I think is going to absolutely blow you away!

In addition to the $3000 audio bonus conference call, you'll also receive:

If you order before the date shown above, not only will you get the audio bonus conference call for referring 5 friends, you'll also receive access to my new "Audio Feedback Form Info-Kit".

I created this info-kit based on the sheer volume of inquiries I had from people asking how to set up an audio feedback form of their own. This is not a huge thick ebook filled with theory on collecting data or anything like that. It's just a tightly focused info-kit with everything you need to get your own form up and running.

In the bonus info kit we cover:

• How and where to get the audio recording done
• Where to put the special code on your page to make the form appear
• How to add your photo to the exit pop (or not, if you don't want to!)
• How to put your own audio recording into the form
• What you need to do to get the audio to play instantly -- and why.
• How to get the feedback form results emailed directly to you
Details on how to customize the "thank you" page
• And much more

The 4 separate videos alone shows you everything you need to know. You're also going to get the exact code to copy and paste into your web page to make the pop up appear and 2 "fill in the blanks" pop up window templates you can use. Finally, I'll turn you onto the resource I use for my web site audio. (No, it's not who you think!)

You Get The Marketing Dashboard With 6 Web-Based Software Program Free Trials, Plus a 100% Money Back Guarantee And A 70% Profit Associate Program, All Backed By The Credibility Of Marlon Sanders And The Amazing Formula That Has Created And Rolled Out 20 Products Since 1997 When Others Have Dried Up And Blown Away!

Limited Time & Quantity Bonus Offer

Be one of the first 25 people to order before 5:00 PM Thursday January 19th and you'll receive a 1 month bonus membership to my Milcers Private Site.

Please Note: Once all 25 are sold out this offer will be removed so don't put off taking a 100% risk free test drive of the Marketing Dashboard today.

In summary, here's what you get:

One The Marketing Dashboard with the point-and-click marketing system that turns selling your products and services into a virtual no-brainer.

Two Free trials of 6 software programs I have assembled to make everything faster, simpler, easier than ever before.

Three: You will receive a copy of my new "Audio Feedback Form Exit Pop Info Kit" and a chance to grab an additional bonus worth $3000.

Four My 90 day 100% money back guarantee.

Five The associate program pays out 70% commission, up to 80%.  Make just two sales and your copy of the Marketing Dashboard is free.

TIME LIMITED BONUS: The first 25 people to grab a copy of the Marketing Dashboard before Thursday January 19th at 5:00 PM PST will also receive a full 1 month membership to my Milcers private site.

Your Order is 100% Safe, Secure,
Risk Free and Fully Guaranteed!


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Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders

Higher Response Marketing, Inc.

P.S. Click here only if you've decided not to order:

Your Order is 100% Safe, Secure,
Risk Free and Fully Guaranteed!


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