Who Else Wants $3.49 a Click?

A personal note for you, from Marlon
2) |
VIP's Challenge: Is YOUR name on this list?
3) |
Double Dip 90% Promotion -- Copy, Paste, Send |

1) A personal note to you, from Marlon |
Dear Reseller:
Last week Dennnis sent out my Fast Start System promo to his list.
He got $3.49 a click. But that was WITHOUT the ne pimped out sales letter AND OTO I've added.

On this promotion, for the next 14 days, I'm paying 90% on Fast Start System and 90% on the proven Overwhelm Cure OTO, a strong seller.
THEN I TRIPLE STACK it with a $249 commission on my Cash Like Clockwork System OTO.
I've stacked it up, loaded it up, pre-tested the conversions and I'm piling on the commissions....
The sales letter is totally pimped out, the offer is stacked up, the commissions are piled high and the OTO's are spot on.
Here is the affiliate link for it:
Scroll down to #3 to get the promo...
Best wishes,

Marlon Sanders
P.S. Listen. If you have a mailing, send it. If you don't, what about giving me your exit pops for a good test, or your retargeting traffic?
If you don't have a mailing available to your buyers, what about your NON buyers? What about 90-day old buyers?
Or how about adding a link as a P.S. on some emails in your autoresponder or broadcasts?
PPS: You have until August 22 11:59 p.m. CST to get your 90% commissions on Fast Start System and Overwhelm Cure OTO.

2) Challenge To My VIP's |
* I Challenge My VIP's! *

Here are just a few of my VIP affiliates who could use this promotion.
If you aren't on this list yet, then please skip down to #3 below.
If any of you ladies and gents below NEED something, need a special promo, bonus or something, hit me up here.
ALLAN GARDYNE: Long time I haven't sent you a big, fast Paypal commission! You're appreciated and missed!
CONNIE GREEN: Thanks for the great promotions in the PAST! You're a rock star.
This is a good promotion for you to step up to the plate on.
Paul Myers: No challenge necessary for you! All I can say is THANKS! And check your Paypal!
SEAN MIZE: Big dog! I know you're rolling over there on the WSO's. Check out the new Fast Start System sales page.
Tanner Larsson: Your new home looks awesome. I'm sure a blast from Paypal would help pay for a few of those things you're doing! LOL
Terry Duff: You've always promoted for me, so I got nothing to ask for. Maybe just a thanks is in order.
Jason Fladlien: Dog, how are you? I know you don't promote but if you did, what would that be like? I'm just curious.
DANIEL HALL: How are you?
I'd love to see you hop on board with one of these two offers!
Martin Avis: -- Hope you're doing great in the UK!
I need someone in the UK to step up and get on board with this promotion! I pick you!
Frederick Patenaude - Let's do this deal!
I need to send you a nice big, fat mass pay!
Michael Merz: -- Your list should love either of these 2 products!
Barbara Ling: -- Fresh off BIG WSO launches, I know your folks are chomping at the bit for some great assistance!
Dan Cauthron: -- I need to send you a nice, juicy Paypal mass pay!
I need someone in Oklahoma to step up and represent my home state! I pick you!
Tim Castleman: -- Long hear no time!
Don't know if Fast Start System or Push Button Target Market are good matches for your list. But if they are, I'd love to have you promote! If you need anything, hit me up on getyoursupport.com
Willie Crawford: -- What up dog! Let's do this deal...
Dexter Chan: I haven't been sending you nearly enough money! Can we work in a promotion?
David Jenyns: I know your list rocks. I bet this promotion would rock IT! I miss you bud!
Paul Chilvers-Grierson: I'd love to have you on baord with this! How are you by the way?
Russell Bruson: Dog, you SAID you wanted to be my top affiliate! Now, granted it was like a billion years ago. But NOW is your big chance! LOL
Matt Gill: Bro, you be rollin' large. Roll some of that large traffic my way and I'll roll some mass pays YOUR way.
Alex Sampson: Long time no see! How are you? If you need somethin' on this promo, let me know.
John Jantsch: Thanks for the sales and traffic you send. And if you need anything custom, let me know.
David Vallieres: Dog, you can't hide now! We BOTH now how you're crushing retargeting like no one else. I bet you have a nice, juicy, fresh responsive list now! Just sayin'.
Andrew Lock: Bro, I miss sending you Paypal's! If you need anything, hit up getyoursupport.com and I'll do my best.
James Jones: I know you have a great list. I wonder if Fast Start System is a good match?
1. Here's a copy/paste email to send
2. Add this as a P.S. (Or a p.s.s.) to your outbound emails for easy sales that don't take away from what you're doing.
P.S. After 2,826,874 Website Visitors, $3.7+ Million in Sales,
74+ Products Created, 199,500 email subscribers, and
28,345 Affiliates Recruited, Marlon Sanders has created something you need to check out:
3. Add an exit pop onto your sites
Here is exactly what the exit pop looks like:

4. Add a banner to your site

You have until August 22 11:59 p.m. CST to get your 90% commissions on Fast Start System and Overwhelm Cure OTO. After that they revert to normal. No other commission programs, Super Affiliate commissions or other program applies to this promotion.
Commissions are normally paid out within 1 to 3 days but may be held at our discretion pending seasoning and verification of transactions.
Best Wishes,
Marlon Sanders

P.S. This a great promo for newbies on your list.